
雙語繪本特展:大海裡的小巨人~有孔蟲 The little giants of the ocean~ Foraminifera


1. 雙語繪本特展:大海裡的小巨人~有孔蟲
The little giants of the ocean~ Foraminifera

簡介|全球暖化與海洋酸化正影響海洋生態。有孔蟲是構築碳酸鈣外殼的單細胞微生物,對海洋食物鏈和平衡碳循環至關重要。 本展透過有孔蟲化石探索,激發科學興趣,提高氣候變遷和海洋保護的意識。
Global warming and ocean acidification are impacting marine ecosystems and resources. This exhibition explores foraminifera fossils to spark scientific interest and raise awareness of climate change and marine conservation.
Exhibition Period|June 1 (Saturday) - September 1 (Sunday), 2024
地點|3F 西側展區
Exhibition Venue|3rd Floor, West Exhibition Area

1-1. 有孔蟲雙語介紹
Bilingual Foraminifera Explanation

Students and teachers from Guangrong Experimental Elementary School will provide the public with scientific knowledge about foraminifera.
Times|June 1 (Saturday) at 11:00 and 13:30, 2024

Bilingual Science Workshop- Space travel and their inventions

簡介|這個工作坊將由老師運用線上的英語繪本帶領親子學習,從探索有關太空的科普知識,思考當太空人發現問題時該如何解決呢? 一起來動手做發揮創意。
This workshop will guide parents and children to learn through online English picture books, exploring fascinating facts about space. What should we do when astronauts encounter problems? Let's brainstorm, get hands-on, and unleash our creativity together!

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